Need an Original School Fundraiser? Shell Sheli to the Rescue!

Popcorn. Wrapping paper. Magazines. Garbage bags.

I’ve got to be honest: It pains me to get these fundraising notices from my kids’ school.

I want to support my children’s school, I do. But I really, really don’t want to grossly overpay for something. Especially when I could probably get it for 1/10th of the cost using deals on my own blog!

Which is why I often just write a check – and skip the order all together. Overpaying is that painful for me.

Shell Sheli to the rescue! Shell Sheli is a launching their winter school fundraising project.

Finally, a product I need – at a price I would be happy to pay!

If your kids’ schools are trying to raise money for a class trip or a yearbook or any other project, you might want to take a look at Shell Sheli’s school fundraising program.

Here’s how it work:

  • Shell Sheli sends out catalogs and order sheets – the exact price per item will be determined based on the number of students participating in the fundraiser.
  • Students solicit orders (ugh, I hate this part, but it is a necessary evil) and collect payment. Checks are made out to their school – or whatever organization they are raising money for.
  • Shell Sheli will even create a unique online portal so that your kiddos can sell to out-of-town friends and family members.
  • The school/organization submits one bulk order to Shell Sheli – keeping the difference between the amount they collected and the amount due to Shell Sheli (again, this will be pre-determined).
  • Shell Sheli will ship out the bulk order, and students will be responsible for distributing the orders back to their customers. Out of town orders will be drop shipped directly by Shell Sheli and students will receive a commission on those orders.

To set up a Shell Sheli fundraiser for your school, shoot them an email at They’ll be happy to help!

This post is sponsored by Shell Sheli. Visit the Shell Sheli Facebook page to learn more about them. For more information about sponsored posts, please see my disclosure policy.

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