Why & How to Menu Plan

Please help me welcome Leah Eisenberg Polikoff as a contributing guest post writer to Kosher on a Budget. Leah is a menu planning whiz, and I feel very lucky that she has agreed to share her know-how with all of us. Look for her posts once or twice a … [Read more...]

November Menu Plan (I’m trying something new…)

I'm trying something new this month with our November Menu Plan. Some might call it boring. Predictable. Or even uninspired. That's okay. I'm hoping I'll be calling it "the easiest month ever" by the end of it.  (You know those times in your life … [Read more...]

January 2013 Menu Plan

I can't believe there are just two days left in 2012! Where did the year go? It's true what Erma Bombeck said - the days are long, but the years are short! Anyway, I just hammered out my family's menu plan for January 2013. At many of your … [Read more...]

Our December Menu Plan

It's back - by popular demand: A whole month dedicated to the ins and outs of Menu Planning. Over the course of December, I will be sharing the many ways that menu planning can help you save money -- and time. And even a little bit of your … [Read more...]

Sukkot Menu Plan (2012)

PHOTO CREDIT: JDCC If you follow Kosher on a Budget on Facebook, you know that I've been avoiding/dreading menu planning for Sukkot. Even though Rosh Hashana went remarkably well, I always seem to get that post-yom tov letdown, in which I … [Read more...]

Sign up for Ready, Set, Eat for Exclusive Coupons & Menu Planning Tips

Sign up now for the free e-newsletter, Ready, Set, Eat to get exclusive coupons for brands like Hunts and Pam. You will also get tips on menu planning and frugal eating. (Truth be told, the tips often don't apply to a kosher keeper, but I'm good … [Read more...]

December = Menu Planning Month

It's Menu Planning Month at Kosher on a Budget. Now, as you know, I am all about saving money through coupons and deals. But if you only do the coupon/deal piece, you won't be maximizing your savings. You have to lay a good foundation for … [Read more...]

Our November Meal Plan Themes

If it 'aint broke, don't fix it. Meal planning themes continue to work really well for me. I like the predictability of knowing what type of food I will serve each day, without having to stress over committing to a specific meal or set of … [Read more...]

Rosh Hashana Post-Mortem: What Worked, What Was I Thinking + What Are We Doing for Sukkot

If you haven't already, I recommend that everyone who cooked for Rosh Hashana take a few minutes today to sit down and make some notes. Put them in your Google calendar (or on your blog ;-)) ... so that next year, your planning will be easier and … [Read more...]

June Monthly Meal Plan: Changing Things Up

I mentioned the other day that I've been a bit lax in the menu-planning and food shopping department. Truth be told, May was a mess. I never got around to planning our menu - and you all know what happens when you don't menu plan! I have tons of … [Read more...]