20 Minute Missions | Let’s Do This!

Last week, I shared with you my (maybe crazy?) idea that I (we!) can baby step our way into order and serenity at home with once-a-week 20-minute decluttering and organizing sessions. Only I'm calling them "missions" because #alliteration. I … [Read more...]

Decluttered & Organized Desk Drawers (20 Minute Missions)

Yesterday I tackled a quick organizing project in my home, which I'm just dying to share with you! You see, even though my home office usually looks pretty tidy on the outside, what's going on behind-the-scenes (aka, in the drawers!) is often a … [Read more...]

Day #4 Hotspot Challenge | Bathroom {Results}

Good evening! Are you participating in the 5-Day Hotspot Challenge? Today, we were focused on clearing a bathroom – and honestly if all you had time for was a counter or a cabinet, that's awesome, too! Remember: Your home's hotspots didn't pop … [Read more...]

Day #3 Hotspot Challenge | Home Office / Desk / Paperwork {Results}

Good evening! Are you still with me for the Hotspot Challenge? I have heard from a number of you that this day is proving to be especially challenging! Paperwork is tough, because we don't want to toss anything that might be important, whether … [Read more...]

Post-It: What’s Your Organizational Style Quiz

I'm kind of obsessed with organizing. In that, "If I didn't have life - aka blog/school/family - to contend with, I'd most likely be found rearranging the closet" way. Seriously - nothing calms my soul like decluttering our storage room. (Wish … [Read more...]