Wow! Living Social has a great deal today for Picture People. Get an in-studio photo shoot plus (1) 8x10, (2) 5x7s, and (8) wallets for just $10 (regularly $54). I am going to nab one because we have been meaning to do "school photos" of the kids. … [Read more...]
Picture People: $10 for Photo Shoot + 8×10, Two 5x7s and Eight Wallets
$60 Gift Card to Lands End Canvas for Just $30

The daily deal site Living Social has a steal today at Lands End Canvas. Get a $60 gift card to Lands End Canvas for just $30. Even better, the value can be used toward shipping and tax - and on sale items or even clearance. Lands End Canvas … [Read more...]
*Hot* Kansas City Readers: Get Half Off Car Detailing (for Pesach)

I try not to do Kansas City-specific posts too often, but I'm so excited about this one! With Pesach coming, Living Social has a great deal on getting your car detailed. The eco-friendly NOH2O company is offering half-off on its single and double … [Read more...]
KC Peeps: Half Off Box of Organic Produce
I try not to do KC-only deals too often, so please forgive me. Living Social (yet another deal-of-the-day site) is offering a mixed box of organic produce from Door to Door Organics for just $13, normally $26.72. The box will be delivered right to … [Read more...]