KOAB Recipe Exchange, Week 5: Challah Recipes

When we moved back to the U.S. from Israel, we had to learn to make our own challot, since gone were the days of picking up a challah for 10 NIS at the corner makolet (mini-market). My husband took on the baking job enthusiastically and tried out … [Read more...]

Jane’s Creamy Dill Gazpacho

Happy Friday, dear readers. It's been a big week for my little blog, and I really appreciate all of you who have visited, read, shared your comments and sent me emails. I'm having so much fun! This week's Kosher on a Budget recipe exchange is all … [Read more...]

Get Ready for Kosher on a Budget Recipe Exchange, Week 4: Soup!

Hey guys, just a quick note to let you know that Friday's Kosher on a Budget Recipe exchange will be all about soups. Do you make a classic chicken soup with matzah balls? Or a perfect chilled soup for a hot summer day? Maybe a recipe that's been in … [Read more...]

Kosher on a Budget Recipe Exchange – What do you think?

I love that two of my readers (Thanks, Dana & Amanda!) have already shared some of their favorite frugal kosher recipes for Shabbat, chag or just during the week. While I have a bookshelf full of cookbooks, 9 out of 10 things that I cook come … [Read more...]