Welcome to Your Money Monday. Your Money Monday is going to be a series of posts all about YOU and your MONEY! And, duh, I'll post these on Mondays! (If you follow me on IG, you may already know about YMM — I used to do little IG TV spots back … [Read more...]
How I Save My Money with Sink Funds
Since moving to Cleveland, we've had to set up some new banking routines. We opened an account with a local bank here for our personal and business needs (shout out to Huntington -- they've been fabulously to work with*). Opening those new … [Read more...]
Open an Online Savings Account with Capital One & Earn $76 Bonus
EXPIRED! Open a 360 Savings® Account. Grab a $76 Bonus: 6/30-7/3. This has to be the primary account holder’s first 360 Savings account and it needs a $500 minimum deposit. The bonus starts earning interest on day 1, but you can’t take it … [Read more...]
How Using Sink Funds Can Break the Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle
For years, my husband and I lived paycheck to paycheck. Then life happened, and we started living credit card bill to credit card bill. The way we climbed our way out of that cycle is a long story, but if I had to pick the one turning point, I'd say … [Read more...]
Open a 360 Savings Account & Earn $76 Bonus
EXPIRED! Capital One 360 is celebrating the 4th of July in a BIG way! Thru July 3rd, when you open a 360 Savings account with a deposit of at least $500 you'll earn a $76 bonus. This is in addition to the $100 bonus for opening a 360 … [Read more...]
How to Use Sink Funds to Save Money
This post contains my referral link, which help to support Kosher on a Budget. For more information, see my disclosure policy. I've talked before about what a sink fund is - and how it helps to stretch our budget. Today I want to explain … [Read more...]