Homemade High Protein Smoothie Recipe | The Breakfast of Champions! (Guest Post)

This is a guest post from Daniella Silver. When I started my journey to better health, one of my biggest challenges was changing my breakfast routine. The reason it was so hard for me to change up my cereal/milk routine was because it was easy, … [Read more...]

Strawberry Oatmeal Smoothie Recipe

Since posting my January menu plan, a number of you have written to ask me about my breakfast smoothies. Over the next month, I will be sharing some "recipes" to my favorite smoothies, for those of you that would like to start your day this way as … [Read more...]

Orange Creamsicle Smoothie Recipe

Since posting my January menu plan, a number of you have written to ask me about my breakfast smoothies. Over the next month, I will try to share some "recipes" to my favorite smoothies, for those of you that would like to start your day this way … [Read more...]