My Price Book: I’m finally sharing it!

Two months ago, my friend Becca asked me to share my price book prices. I told her I would, but then I've been hedging ever since for two reasons: 1) I have to admit that I don't have a written down price book, even though I know I should. … [Read more...]

Reader Q&A: Coupons Aren’t Working for Me. Now What?

I love getting your emails and reading your comments on this blog. I'm happy to answer any question I am able to, so don't hesitate to reach out if you're confused about something. Recently, I got this email from a reader in northern California … [Read more...]

Reader Question: How do you find the time?

One of my favorite parts of writing this blog is being able to answer your questions about keeping kosher on a budget. So, I am going to start a new little feature here where I share and answer a question from one of my readers. Today's question … [Read more...]