It’s Not a Bargain If You Can’t Afford It {A Message for Black Friday & Beyond}

Here’s the thing about this time of year: There are a lot of really fabulous deals.

Even if you are averse to shopping at brick-and-mortar stores for Black Friday, like me, and prefer to shop online, from your couch, in your PJs — there are still a whole lot of deals, maybe even more!

If you are planning to purchase a Black Friday deal, buying that fridge or mixer or hottest toy or gadget at its rock bottom price can do a world of good for creating margin in your budget.

The same way that buying cereal at a $1/box instead of $4/box creates margin, so, too, does buying an XBox at $200 rather than $300.

But if that XBox is an impulse purchase…

And if you charge it on your credit card, without the cash in the bank…

Then that $150 in “savings” won’t create margin. It’ll create stress.

And wreck havoc on your budget.

And possibly end up costing you a whole lot more in interest – and even late fees – on your credit card.

Getting a great deal is important. So is making sure you’re investing your resources in quality products.

But most important for living within your means is only buying the things you can afford.

And if you can’t afford it?

Then it’s not a bargain – no matter how good the sale.

Please remember, in the enthusiasm over Black Friday and all this season’s sales and deals, that saying no can be a blessing, too.


  1. Dont forget about the things we can afford but dont really need. Thats where I get in trouble.

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