Facebook is a phenomenal source of coupons, freebies and contests, which I know many of you like to take advantage of.
The only problem is that often times when you access those special offers, you have to install an app on your personal page. In many cases – although not all – these apps give the companies access to your personal updates and other data about YOU.
Obviously, not everyone wants Target or Proctor & Gamble knowing all that stuff about them. But they don’t want to give up the great coupons.
There is a simple solution! Delete the apps after you use them.
It’s really simple. Once a month or so, I go in and check for any unnecessary apps and delete them. It’s so easy, though, you may want to do it more often – even weekly.
Here’s how to delete the apps you no longer use and need:
- Sign into your Facebook account
- Click on “Edit Profile” at the top of the screen.
- On the left, where the menu is, click on the blue “privacy preferences” link at the bottom of that menu
- Scroll down to where it says Apps & Websites and click Edit Settings
- By Apps You Use, click on Edit Settings – this will pull up a list of all the apps you have installed
- Go through one by one and delete any apps you no longer want by clicking the x next to the Edit link. You will get prompting with a message box asking if you really want to delete that app. Select Remove, and then Okay.
- Repeat this process until all the unwanted apps are gone!
Again, this only takes a few seconds but really improves my sense of privacy – while also allowing me to access all the hot coupons and offers I like to take advantage of.
Do you still get updates from them on your news feed?
Thanks for the reminder to update my Facebook privacy settings. You might want to consider an update to this article to reflect the revised methodology that Facebook has to access the specific page where the application privacy settings are since the time you originally authored this post. Good info though!