140 Address Labels for Just $3.03 Shipped from Vistaprint (Thru 11/17 Only)

Yay! Vistaprint is on a roll. First the free calendar, and now the free labels!

(If only they’d add the free photo flip book and I’d really be set.)

Get 140 customized address labels for FREE, just pay shipping & handling, which starts from $3.03.

In addition to actually using on your mail, these labels are also great for making personalized tags for your kiddos supplies, books, toys and more. Anything that you send to school or loan out to a friend, just label with a tag that says “Property of ____.”

Or what about using these as gift tags on goody bags at a big event – like a Bar or Bat Mitzvah?

At the end of the school year, I gave these labels as gifts to our kids’ teachers, using the above template.

Don’t worry about the fact that the landing page says “Holiday Labels” – there are over 7,000 of designs to choose from (and only a handful are ‘holiday’ themed.)

But hurry, because this offer expires tomorrow (11/17).

Have you ever ordered Vistaprint labels? What do you use them for?!

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  1. Great idea. I’m going to order some for my daughter’s bat mitzvah next year. Never too early to get some deals!

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