#20MinuteMissions | Week 3 (Under the Kitchen Sink)

Happy Sunday! It’s time for a quick check-in with the results of Week 3’s 20 Minute Missions.

I’m sharing the before & after shots from under two of my kitchen sinks. Let me explain: Our rental has a kitchen with a dairy and meat sink, and then it has what we call “the back kitchen”. It’s a laundry room / pantry / storage overflow… with TWO MORE SINKS!

I’ve never had such a riches of sinks in my life!

The sinks in our regular kitchen are usually okay as far as clutter goes; but our back kitchen sinks? Oyyyy. That was another whole story!

See? (I am hanging my head in shame showing you these “before” photos!)

I actually cleaned out these sinks a few weeks ago (sorry for a small cheat with sharing an “old” decluttering project!), but they still look just as good today. Woohoo! I love it when a good clean up “sticks”, don’t you?

In addition to tossing quite a lot of literal garbage (how does this happen?) and moving the beers to the fridge (do you spot them above?) – better drink ’em up before Pesach! – I also rearranged a lot of the bigger items so that everything could have a place … and be in its place.

The under-sink pictured above holds our overflow drinks (would you believe that most of those are left-over from our Bar Mitzvah in September??!!) and that one big pot, which is so ENORMOUS that it won’t fit anywhere else.

This under-sink below holds our cat food & treats, car cleaning supplies and BBQ supplies. (Our grill is right off this “back” kitchen, so it’s quick convenient.)

Are you joining me for the 20 Minute Missions? This upcoming week’s assignment is the refrigerator. It’s started to feel a lot like Pesach around these missions 😉

Here’s a reminder about all of the missions (if you need to play catch up, or want to plan ahead):

  1. Week of February 11 – Spice Cabinet
  2. Week of February 18 – “Tupperware” Drawer
  3. Week of February 25 – Under the kitchen sink
  4. Week of March 4 – Refrigerator
  5. Week of March 11 – Freezer / deep freezer
  6. Week of March 18 – No mission (Happy Purim!)
  7. Week of March 25 – Pantry (one shelf or area is fine!)
  8. Week of April 1 – Kitchen junk drawer
  9. Week of April 8 – Kitchen / island counter
  10. Week of April 15 – No mission (Happy Pesach!)
  11. Week of April 22 – No mission (Happy Pesach!)
  12. Week of April 29 – Linen closet
  13. Week of May 6 – No mission (Happy Yom Ha’Atzamaut!)
  14. Week of May 13 – Guest or kids’ bathroom
  15. Week of May 20 – Master bathroom
  16. Week of May 27 – Coat closet / entryway
  17. Week of June 3 – Kids’ bedroom closet
  18. Week of June 10 – No mission (Happy Shavuot!)

If you’re interested in joining along – and I hope you are! – you can sign up for the email below list, and I’ll be sure to send you a friendly reminder with some before & after shots of my own progress each week.

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And if you want to share your own accomplishments (do it, do it!) on Facebook or IG, be sure to hashtag them #20minutemissions, so we can all find them!

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