Purim is over, which means the next P holiday is upon us.
For years, I stayed in denial as long as I could. Then about a decade ago, I kind of had to admit to myself that denial actually didn’t get my kitchen cleaned. Or my groceries shopped for. Or anything else I needed to do for Pesach, for that matter.
In fact, it just made me feel more stressed out because all that stuff did in fact need to get done – and now I’d just procrastinated it to the very last moment.
What an aha moment!
Once the realization sunk in, I decided to realign my approach to Pesach prep. No more unending denial. I faced the music and realized that all my avoidance was actually making the job harder than it had to be. (Go figure!)
After a couple years of trial and error, I got my Pesach prep down to well-oiled machine. And what I realized was that I was calmer and more clear-headed about this job than any time before in my life.
Much like the process of beginning to write the blog, it eventually dawned on me that my new streamlined processes might be helpful to others as well.
So five years ago, I sat down to write the Guide to a Stress-Free Passover.
My goal then — and now — was to provide you with a step-by-step guide for approaching holiday prep with calm and confidence.
I read the guide again last night (as I was updating it for 2025) and honestly, I have to say that I am so pleased with how well it has stood up — in fact, I found myself incredibly motivated! I know it will do the same for you!
The Guide to a Stress-Free Passover comes packed with 25-pages of guidance, advice, and loads of printables, including cleaning checklists, menu planners, and a simple Passover price book (I don’t want you to have financial stress this Pesach either).
Through Sunday, March 23rd at 11:59 pm EST, I am offering a whopping 25% off the Guide to a Stress-Free Passover. Just use the promo code STRESSFREE25 at checkout.
Regularly $24.99, you will pay only $18.75. And you’ll own the Guide for life, so you can reuse the checklists and planners every year.
This digital version of the Guide to a Stress-Free Passover is extremely economical. Read it on your phone, tablet or computer – or print it at home if you prefer a physical copy.
(I printed out the checklists and laminated them, so I can reuse them year after year.)
The feedback shared with me about the Guide to a SFP has absolutely blown me away. I’ve even heard from a professional organizer (a professional!), who called my 8-hour cleaning checklist (yes, it’s included in the guide!) “brilliant” and said that she urges her clients to download the book.
Talk about high praise.
Another long-time KOAB reader, I.S., reached out to me before Pesach last year and said:
I just wanted to let you know that I was feeling stressed about Pesach. So I opened up your amazing guide, printed it out, and I feel your calm and organized presence next to me. Thanks so much, Mara! I felt like you were reaching out a hand towards me from Israel.
And then there was this incredible email from Liat, a long-time KOAB reader:
We’re not all born organized, Mara. Some people are. The rest of us are left to our own devices when it comes to Pesach. That’s me. Well “thanks” to Covid, in 2020, I had to make Pesach at home for the first time in my marriage (I had been married for 13 years, KH, and always gone to my parents). I had no idea where to start and panic set in. The same day we decided we wouldn’t go to my parents’ house for seder you sent me an email about your Passover guide. Usually I read KOAB for the deals, but your timing was so perfect that I figured it was a ‘sign’. YOU SAVED ME! It was the perfect roadmap to making Passover, and I just cracked it open again this morning and it was like a breath of fresh air. So I just wanted to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
Incredible!!! Thank you, Liat!
Ready to spend the next month STRESS-FREE?
Head over HERE to download your copy of the Guide to a Stress-Free Passover for just $18.75, regularly $24.99.
Questions? I’m here — just leave a comment below!
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