8 Chanukah Presents for a Blogger

Writing this blog is a labor of love. And while reciprocity is definitely not expected or required, if you did want to show a little Chanukah love – to me or any of your favorite bloggers – here are eight great ways.

#1. Comment on our blogs – Comments are such a huge source of encouragement for bloggers. They let us know that we’re not alone, that we’re blogging to real people, not computer bots. When a post resonates with you, please (continue to) take a second to let your favorite bloggers know.

#2. Like our blogs on Facebook – Did you know that about half of all Kosher on a Budget “traffic” comes from Facebook? I’m sure it’s similar for other bloggers, too. The social networking power of Facebook is awesome – and by liking all your favorite blogs, you get in on that fun! (Pssst… come like KOAB on Facebook if you haven’t already.)

#3. Interact with us on Facebook – Liking your favorite bloggers on Facebook is fabulous – but even better is interacting with us on our Facebook walls. Respond to questions, ask questions of your own, offer support, and “like” our updates. I love our happy little community on the KOAB wall!

#4. Tell your friends about our blogs – When you take the time to tell your ‘real life’ friends about your favorite bloggers, that is the ultimate compliment. I am so grateful for those of you that have talked about KOAB with your friends over the Shabbat table. Your personal recommendations are golden! Thank you – and keep it up!

#5. Subscribe to our blogs – Sometimes life gets busy, and we forget to check in with our favorite bloggers. That’s why subscribing to a daily email update is so great. Once a day, we pop into your email box to say hi.

#6. Tweet with us – If you can condense your quips to 140 characters, Twitter is great for chatting with your favorite bloggers and other readers. Let me also suggest that you check out the #koshercooking hashtag. So much fun!

#7. Invite Me to Speak to Your Community – I am so thankful to those of you that have emailed me to say, “Hey, would you be interested in coming to my community?” My answer is always an enthusiastic YES. I love meeting you in person and teaching you how to shave hundreds of dollars off your grocery budgets.

#8. Keep being YOU! Whether or not you interact on Facebook, subscribe to email, or leave a comment, I am so happy that you are here today, reading Kosher on a Budget. Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with me and my blog.



  1. Excellent list! All bloggers love comments and interaction with readers 🙂

  2. Happy Chanukah to you and your family. Enjoying your blog this time of year especially when most of the other deal bloggers are focused on one event only. My daughters are enjoying the free Chanukah music sampler that I downloaded from Amazon a few weeks ago that you blogged about. Keep up the good work, your blog is much appreciated.

    • Thank you, to one of my earliest readers (at least readers that I didn’t already know in real life :-))

      Glad they are enjoying the music. I’m working on some more Chanukah freebies that I’m sure they will love as well.

  3. Esther Gewirtz says

    Awesome blog! So happy I found you!! 🙂

  4. I read your blog quite often but have never commented before. Thanks for all of your hard work. Happy Chanukah!

  5. shandel strasberg says

    and here i thought you were gonna list expensive stuff… lol
    so true! feeling appreciated can be more worthwhile than any material gift.

    love your list!!

  6. I’m linking to this post–another great way to say thanks! Chag sameach.

  7. 🙂 Happy Hannukah Mara! Thanks for all you do for us.

  8. I wasn’t sure where this post was going (maybe a new computer to blog from or a wrist rest thing for the excessive typing?), but I love the direction you took it. Chanukah sameach!

  9. So so true – thanks for saying this out loud! And Happy Chanuka!

  10. bracha komarov says

    love your facebook page full of deals!! ty!!

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