Swagbucks Now Allows More than One Account Per Household!

Hot Diggity! I love when my most favorite rewards program gets even more awesome.

Swagbucks has just changed their policy and is now allowing more than one Swagbucks account per household. It used to be one account per household, so you couldn’t invite your spouse or your kids to join up.

Now, however, you can now invite other members of your household to sign up – which means you all get to benefit. Remember, when someone signs up under your Swagbucks account, you earn one point for every point they earn, up the first 1,000.

Know what that means? You search, you win. Your husband searches, you win, too!

And incidentally, I got to sit with the Swag Guys at a blogging conference I’m attending (more on the conference next week). It may have been the coolest thing to happen to me. Evah.

Now if I could just get Hal, the Super Cool Swagbucks Guy, to hook me up with a special code for all my readers.  Oh Hal…..

Go sign up for Swagbucks and then check back in with me for that code. 😉

(And if you have no idea what on earth Swagbucks is, or why I’m swooning over having met Hal, go read this post.)


  1. We can do that! Come find me at lunch.

  2. Extremely jealous that you met Swagbucks guy! Have fun!!!

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