HUGE Stride-Rite Sale Starting at 8 p.m. CST

The flash deal site Totsy is hosting a huge Stride-Rite sale, starting tonight at 8 p.m. CST. The will have over 80 different styles, with prices starting as low as $9.

If you sign up for a Totsy account tonight (or have signed up for one in the past 30 days), you get FREE shipping on your first order.

Excuse me while I go quiet for a bit… gotta nab my daughter some winter shoes!

Thanks, Surviving the Stores.

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  1. I don’t know about anyone else, but i’m having major issues with the website! Also it says the shoes won’t ship until October 20!

  2. Mara, i signed up and ordered (from the softclothes deal- i’m hoping my son who will only wear “soft” clothes will agree to wear jeans!- i guess he’s not the only kids who’s like that) and hopefully you’ll get the $15 credit from my order. The jeans are $15 and the chinos are only $11-usually I aim for under $10 for boys pants, but with free shipping its not bad at all.

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