Friday Freebies: Magazines, Coffee Creamer, Blockbuster Express + More

Happy almost Purim!

It’s been a while since I’ve had a Friday Freebies post, so here are five fab freebies to put a little simcha (happiness) in your step!

  • Free rental at Blockbuster Express – Use the code 6QHOGF. Valid through March 27.

Plus, don’t forget about these two posts from yesterday:


  1. I did notice that the Parents magazine is the kind that you have to cancel after 6 months so be aware. Also, my last issue of Parents magazine had the ad for amazon diapers but not the coupon. I contacted them and they said the coupon doesn’t come in every issue. Has anyone else noticed that?

    • The 7 months one? Thanks for the heads up, Eli!

      Yes, my last free baby magazine didn’t have an Amazon Q either. I have a bad feeling that Amazon may be phasing these out πŸ™

  2. The Breve Creme is most certainly hechshered! I go through frightening quantities of that creamer. It is the only one that does not cause my insides to cringe when I read the ingredient label.

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