“Me Before You” Bookclub – Watch the Video on Play Back

Me Before YouThe 2nd “meeting” of the KOAB 2016 book club is live!

Today, I shared my thoughts on the book “Me Before You” by JoJo Moyes. I was “live” on Periscope for about 25 minutes, and you can watch the playback on replay for the next 24 hours.

If you  miss it there, feel free to head over to Katch.me, where you can watch the broadcast on your phone or desktop for as long as you want.

(Heads up: If you haven’t finished the book yet, hold off on watching my video until you’re done – major spoilers!)

I’d love to read your thoughts about this book in the comments section. Not that I don’t love thinking and talking about a book, but I really love listening to other people’s thoughts!

A book club is only fun when you can discuss with other people. So please: Discuss!

KOAB Book Club

P.S. Our book club selection for March is the the Elon Musk biography, written by Ashlee Vance. (Get a sneak peak into our April selection, too, in the video from above!)



  1. Thanks for the book list. I have read 2 books from your suggested reading list and they were both great books.

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