*New* $.40/1 Wacky Mac Coupon

Coupons.com has just released a new $.40/1 Wacky Mac coupon. By us, this is one of the only two brands of kosher mac-and-cheese available, so I’m totally psyched about this coupon!

Try sorting by food to find the coupon more quickly – and you may need to enter your zipcode as well.

If your store doubles, you should be able to get a box for just $.20 or $.30 after coupon and sale. Even if not, it’s still a nice percentage of savings on something that normally costs $1.08 at Walmart.

This post contains affiliate links, which help to support Kosher on a Budget. For more information, see my disclosure policy.


  1. There are also $.40 coupons for Wacky Mac veggie pasta on Upromise and SavingStar, so if you have both of those uploaded to your shoppers’ cards and use the in-store printed coupon, this can be a nice moneymaker!

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