It’s back! One of my travel essentials is back at Amazon with a HUGE sale! If you don’t have these yet, I highly recommend getting them before your next trip!
Amazon has dropped the price on Apple AirTag 4-Pack marked down for to only $69.99, regularly $99.
I love my AirTags and am so glad I got them — especially for air travel. It’s great having them in my suitcases — I’m a nervous nelly when I travel, so knowing my bags made it while I’m waiting (impatiently) at baggage claim is so calming!
Plus, I keep one on my key chain. We’re pretty good about putting our keys in the same place when we walk in the door, but if we forget, this little thing saves us.
I don’t know how long this will last, so I wouldn’t wait on getting this 4-pack of AirTags!
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