Burt’s Bees Grab Bags – 2 of $45, Shipped

These popular Burt’s Bees Grab Bag for $25.00 are back in-stock!

The Grab Bag includes 13 Burt’s Bees and güd from Burt’s Bees products, valued at $50+. And I love that five of the items are full size products.

Use the coupon code BBEES12 to save an additional $5 off your order of $20 or more.

And, if you spend $40 or more, your items ship for FREE.

You could, for example, purchase two of the Grab Bags for only $45 (+ tax) shipped – after free shipping and the BBEES12 code. I’ve been told by a number of readers that these are great items for your gift closet — and are perfect for making gift baskets for hostesses or teachers.

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