I've been in "survival" mode with our food budget for the last 6 weeks. Do you ever feel that way? It's like everything in life is in a holding pattern. The kids are still fed three squares a day - but creativity and color are a little... … [Read more...]
June Financial Goals: Cutting Our Grocery Budget Challenge! Care to join me?
Reader Q&A: Saving on Little Purchases vs. Eliminating Big Expenses
Do you have a question for me about couponing, saving money, menu planning or anything else? I love to hear from my readers, so please be in touch! I've been reading your blog for a while and appreciate all the tips about couponing - I used to … [Read more...]
Reader Q&A: Coupons for Kosher Food?
It's been a while since we've had a Reader Q&A, hasn't it? Sorry about that! I think Pesach completely threw me off my game, but I'm hoping to get back on the bandwagon. Today's question comes from Andrea and she's wondering about coupons for … [Read more...]
Have You Changed Your Financial Life?
This past Shabbat, I got to spend time with an old friend, whom I haven't seen in forever. She started reading KOAB back in the beginning and has been a huge source of encouragement to me. Over Shabbat dinner, she told me the most amazing thing. … [Read more...]
April Budget: How Pesach Affects Things at Our House
A few months ago, in my post on Variable Income Budgeting, I shared that DH and I are both self-employed, so each month our budget looks a little bit different. I also mentioned in that post that we budget a month ahead - i.e. the income that we earn … [Read more...]
What I Gained by Decluttering My Linen Closet
So, this goal of mine to systematically declutter my home... It's taking a while. Definitely longer than I had hoped. Unlike getting out of debt, which was totally gazelle intense for us, decluttering is proving to be … [Read more...]
Reader Q&A: Stockpiling Chametz & Pesach
We're all about Purim in our house these days, but I'm not in complete denial that Pesach is indeed coming. So, I thought this question in the comments section last week was especially apt. It was submitted by "Annonymous", but I'm guessing that … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Save Money at the Pump
I went to fill up our van yesterday and about cried. $3.29/gallon! After living in Israel for many years and paying truly exorbitant sums for gas (I think we were paying the equivalent of $9/gallon to gas up our diesel-guzzling Kia van back in … [Read more...]
It Really Does Pay to Shop Around: The Adidas miCoach
A couple of months ago, I wrote a post called It Really Does Pay to Shop Around. I talked about how I saved us $10 by quickly comparison shopping online for some flea medication. Oh, the glamour that is my life. Today, you're getting the second … [Read more...]
Reader Q&A: Ways to Save Money on Prescription Medications
For today's Reader Q&A, I'm actually hoping to get some tips from all of you -- my very smart and savvy readers. A reader wrote in asking for ideas on saving money on her prescriptions medications. While I had one or two suggestions, I figure I'm … [Read more...]