Staycations and road-trips are two of my family's favorite ways to save money with our vacation plans. If you're road tripping out west this summer, why not plan a stop in Kansas City? And if you're a local planning to save some money this summer … [Read more...]
How to Save Money with a Gift Closet
If you're a regular reader of KOAB, you've no doubt seen me write the following dozens of times: "This is a great price. Grab it for your gift closet." But what exactly is a gift closet? And what's the rationale behind spending money today on toys, … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Save at Whole Foods
I know that sometimes Whole Foods gets a bad rap in the frugal world. My own father - who actually shops at Whole Foods regularly - jokingly refers to it as "Whole Paycheck". And yes, a lot of the products sold at Whole Foods are more expensive … [Read more...]
How to Talk to Your Kids About Money (Video)
Last Thursday night, I had the great pleasure of joining my friend Adina Soclof from for a fun online discussion about one of my favorite topics: How to Talk to Your Kids About Money. If you weren't able to join us, you're in … [Read more...]
How We Got Rid of Cable (And What We Watch Instead)
Nationwide, the average pay cable bill (not including internet and phone service) was $86 in 2011. It's expected to reach $123 by 2015, according to estimates by the NPD Group. That's well over $1000 a year on something that -- at least … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Make Hosting Shabbat Meals More Affordable
Over the weekend, I received a great question about how to budget for the expense of hosting Shabbat meals. I recently started reviewing your blog and I'm totally inspired. My husband and I are hitting rough times at the moment and when we sat down … [Read more...]
One Reader’s Story | Giving Back… On a Budget
This week, I received the most wonderful email from a reader, which I just had to share with you! With her blessing (although she did ask to remain anonymous), here's a great story about how to not just live fruitfully, but give fruitfully -- even … [Read more...]
How to Restock Your Fridge & Freezer After a Power Outage (On a Budget)
Whether your power went out because of a natural disaster, or you find yourself moving across country and need to start over with an empty fridge, here is my advice for how to restock on a budget. Tip #1: Make a List of What You Had When you … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Selling Your Stuff on Craigslist
In my perpetual bid to rid our house of clutter, I did a major sweep of our storage room a few weeks ago. The room had become so packed that it was hard to even open the door! Yes, the Babies R Us warehouse was starting to cause a problem. So, I … [Read more...]
Beginner’s Guide to Buying a DSLR Camera
With all the camera deals we have seen over the past week, I decided to ask my friend Miriam from Overtime Cook to share her expert insights with us. When you check out the pictures on her food blog, you'll see immediately why I'm so thrilled to have … [Read more...]