How to Save Money with Monthly Menu Planning

I had been talking about menu planning on Wednesday and promised to share with you the ins and outs of my monthly meal planning madness method. If you had told me a year ago that I'd be planning a month at a time, I would have thought you were … [Read more...]

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

This week, we're talking winter soup recipes! You know, at the beginning of the week, when I planned out my recipe exchange calendar for the month, I thought winter soups sounded so appealing. Of course, that's when it was getting down into the … [Read more...]

KOAB Recipe Exchange Schedule for October

Due to the chagim, I didn't get a chance to post as many Kosher on a Budget Recipe Exchanges as I had wanted to in September. This month, I'm hoping to get back onto a regular Friday schedule for sharing a favorite recipe of mine, and asking you to … [Read more...]

How to Save Money with Menu Planning

I have sung the praises of menu planning before on this blog, and earlier this week, I shared with you my likely menu plan for October. ("Likely" because sometimes life happens and potato and kale gratin turns into potato bourekas from the … [Read more...]

October Monthly Meal Plan

With all the chagim and crazy cooking schedules of last month, October is going to be about getting back to basics. Would you believe we have no chag or Shabbat leftovers? We had a pot-luck left-overs meal on Shabbat afternoon and cleaned out our … [Read more...]

Planning for the Chagim, Part 5: Frugal Sukkot Meal Plan

Before going to bed last night, I banged out my menu plan for the next two weeks. As you  might remember, I increased my food budget for the month of September to $700, to account for hosting numerous Rosh Hashana and Sukkot meals. As it's turned … [Read more...]

Planning for the Chagim, Part 4: RH Post Mortem. With recipes!

How was your Rosh Hashana?! For us, it was lovely to be with family and friends, and the food I cooked (mostly) turned out really well, but I will say that I dearly miss one-day yom tov in Israel! Did you know that four out of the next five years … [Read more...]

Planning for the Chagim, Part 3: Shopping Lists & Making Challah

Okay, first of all, let me be real with you all. I had really good intentions of being super efficient and getting all this food made ahead of time. Well, guess what? Bad habits won out again. Rosh Hashana starts in 2 days, and I'm playing catch up. … [Read more...]

10 Ways to Use Up Shabbat Leftovers

After spending hours planning, shopping for and preparing frugal Shabbat meals, one of the most wasteful things we can do is throw away our left-overs. The easiest way to avoid this is obviously just to re-serve them a day or two later. But what … [Read more...]

Greek Rodanchos, AKA Pumpkin Strudel

Since Rosh Hashana is less than a week away, I thought I'd share one of my favorite all time Yom Tov recipes with you: Greek Rodanchos, aka Pumpkin Strudel. I like to serve this for Rosh Hashana since pumpkin is a gourd, which is one of the simanim. … [Read more...]