KOAB Recipe Exchange, Week 6: Frugal & Creative Packed Lunches

Happy Friday, folks. Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you visiting my blog, leaving your comments and sending me your emails? Well, I do! So much! Thank you. Today's Kosher on a Budget Recipe Exchange is going to be a little bit … [Read more...]

Planning for the Chagim, Part 2: The Invites, the Budget & the Menu

When I started the series on Planning for the Chagim last week, I promised to keep you updated on our streamlined, money-saving strategies for this year's High Holidays. Does burying my head in the sand and pretending like Rosh Hashana isn't just TWO … [Read more...]

KOAB Recipe Exchange, Week 5: Challah Recipes

When we moved back to the U.S. from Israel, we had to learn to make our own challot, since gone were the days of picking up a challah for 10 NIS at the corner makolet (mini-market). My husband took on the baking job enthusiastically and tried out … [Read more...]

How Ordering in Bulk from a Kosher Co-Op Can Save You Money

With the chagim coming up, I've got to get extra creative about food shopping in order to keep our costs down. If we're not careful, we can easily spend triple our monthly food budget on just a handful of meals. In order to ensure that our … [Read more...]

Jane’s Creamy Dill Gazpacho

Happy Friday, dear readers. It's been a big week for my little blog, and I really appreciate all of you who have visited, read, shared your comments and sent me emails. I'm having so much fun! This week's Kosher on a Budget recipe exchange is all … [Read more...]

Get Ready for Kosher on a Budget Recipe Exchange, Week 4: Soup!

Hey guys, just a quick note to let you know that Friday's Kosher on a Budget Recipe exchange will be all about soups. Do you make a classic chicken soup with matzah balls? Or a perfect chilled soup for a hot summer day? Maybe a recipe that's been in … [Read more...]

No Bake Chocolate Pudding Pie

Happy Friday! I can't believe how quickly this week has flown by. I hope that you have a restful Shabbat planned (isn't is sad how we have to plan to rest?). So, on to today's post topic. I hope you all are enjoying the recipe exchange. I know it … [Read more...]

KOAB Recipe Exchange Week 3: Theme = Dessert!

Okay, okay, I admit it. This choice of topics is totally self-interested. What can I say?! I'm a "eat your dessert first" kinda gal. So this week's Kosher on a Budget recipe exchange will be all about desserts. Let's try to keep it pareve, if … [Read more...]

8 Small Ways to Save Big at the Grocery Store

The two best ways I know to save money on your monthly grocery bill are menu planning and shopping sales with coupons. But sometimes implementing these big strategies can seem really overwhelming, especially if you are at the beginning of your money … [Read more...]

KOAB Recipe Exhange: Favorite Pareve Side Dishes

Hooray it's Friday! Welcome to my 2nd little kosher recipe exchange. Today's theme is pareve side dishes. Selfishly, I am hoping for some serious inspiration from you guys, because I've been rather stuck-in-a-rut lately when it comes to my side … [Read more...]