16 Shavuot Cheesecake Recipes You Will Love

Shavuot starts tomorrow night, but it's not too late to add one of these yummy cheesecakes to the menu. Now of course, I could eat this heavenly stuff year-round, but for some reason, I don't. Do you? Or, like my family, do you seem to save … [Read more...]

Our Shavuot Menu Plan

Maybe it's because my husband's been away, and we've been in "bare minimum" mode. Or maybe it's because I love dairy and don't have to think too hard about what I want to eat for two days of dairy meals. But until this moment, I haven't sat … [Read more...]

Roasted Red Pepper and Basil Cream Flan for Shavuot

What a treat I have for you today! If you're wondering what to make for Shavuot -- and want something visually and culinarily impressive, then you must try this Roasted Red Pepper Flan from May I Have That Recipe. A huge thank you to you, Mara … [Read more...]

S’mores Cheesecake Brownies

My favorite holiday to cook for is, without a doubt, Shavuot. All my years as a vegetarian have definitely given me a strong preference for dairy recipes! I'm getting excited about putting together our menu, especially since we'll be celebrating … [Read more...]

Cheese Straws with Puff Pastry

Here is one of my favorite things to do with puff pastry -- make quick and easy cheese straws. Parmesan Cheese Straws From Simply Southern with a Dash of Kosher Soul Ingredients: 1 sheets puff pastry, thawed 1 large eg 1 tablespoon … [Read more...]

Broccoli Cheddar Quiche

Gone are the days of "real men don't eat quiche" - thank goodness! Today's awesome quiche recipe, sure to be loved by men and women (and kids), comes from Tali of the new and improved More Quiche, Please blog. When I was 16, I made an … [Read more...]

Chocolate Cream Cheese Brownies

We are rapidly closing in on my all-time favorite holiday: Shavuot. As I confessed last week, the reasons for my love are largely gastronomical: I am ALL about the dairy, so Shavuot is a special kind of heaven for me. When it comes to dessert, my … [Read more...]

Summer Potato Kale Gratin

Oh happy day - my CSA started up again this week! The first few weeks of the season are usually quite leafy green-heavy. This is, of course, very healthy, but after the third week of kale and spinach, it starts to present a bit of a culinary … [Read more...]

Passover Recipes: Vegetable Kugel, Matzah Lasagna, Oven-Baked Matzah Brie

We are in the Leil HaSeder home stretch, so I thought we could use one last Pesach recipe post. I'm breaking with tradition and posting this on Thursday, since I figure most of us need all the time we can get (maybe I'm just projecting, … [Read more...]

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

This week, we're talking winter soup recipes! You know, at the beginning of the week, when I planned out my recipe exchange calendar for the month, I thought winter soups sounded so appealing. Of course, that's when it was getting down into the … [Read more...]