Will you come to my (virtual) sukkah hop?

My kids and I were just making decorations for our sukkah and I thought, "I wonder what my readers' sukkot look like?" (Yes, I really do think about you all.the.time.) And then I thought, "Hey, why don't I invite them to a sukkah hop party?!" I've … [Read more...]

Planning for the Chagim, Part 5: Frugal Sukkot Meal Plan

Before going to bed last night, I banged out my menu plan for the next two weeks. As you  might remember, I increased my food budget for the month of September to $700, to account for hosting numerous Rosh Hashana and Sukkot meals. As it's turned … [Read more...]

I love our sukkah decorations!

I'm not a cute and crafty mom. I want to be, but I'm just not. Even if I have the cute ideas, I generally lack the crafty proficiency to implement them. Very, very occasionally, however, I manage to make something with or for my kids that I am really … [Read more...]