Diapers.com is having a one-day sale on the Diaper Genie. Use the promo code OFFGENIE to save 50% at check-out, making the regularly priced $31.79 Playtex Playtex Diaper Genie II Pail just $15.90 after discount.
Two-day shipping is $2.99 on just this item, but if you need anything else – you get free shipping on any order over $49.
Or, you can add in items from the Diapers.com sister sites – Soap.com or Wag.com – and get free shipping on any purchases over $39. Plus, don’t forget about the $10 off $10 code good at Wag.com.
By the way, I will tell you that we always just used a regular garbage can, but I know some people swear by their Diaper Genies. Even friends of mine who cloth diaper. So if you want one, this is definitely a great price.
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