Do These Three Things NOW So You Don’t Miss a Deal during Prime Day!

Happy Erev Prime Day!

I’m heading to bed soon so I can be up bright and early tomorrow morning (i.e. just after midnight California time) when the Prime Day insanity begins in earnest.

As with past years, I will not only share all the deals with you, but I will make sure that I carefully curate what I post so that:

(a) you can rest assured that you are really getting the very best deals out there


(b) you get what you want and need (and not a bunch of random junk!)

Many of the deals will be extremely time-limited and will sell out quickly. In order to ensure you don’t miss that deal you’ve been waiting for, I recommend that you:

#1. SIGN UP FOR THE KOAB WHATSAPP GROUP — I immediately share all deals to the KOAB whatsapp group (admins only can post, don’t worry), so that’s the very best way to get real time alerts.

Expect that deals will be pinging on your phone throughout the next 48 hours. Typically I don’t post at night, so as not to bug anyone. But given the time sensitivity of these deals, I will be — fair warning!

#2. REFRESH REFRESH REFRESH — If you don’t have Whatsapp or don’t want to join the KOAB group, the best thing is to come here to KOAB and refresh often throughout the day.

#3. JOIN THE KOAB NEWSLETTER — I will be sending out two emails tomorrow and two more on Wednesday vs. the one a day that I typically send. To join the free newsletter, just scroll on your phone to the bottom of the posts on the homepage and enter your address into the box (see above). Click “Go” and you’ll be added to my list!

As always, I’m happy to try to keep an eye out for anything you make be in the market for — just shoot me an email or a Whatsapp and let me know what you need a deal on. (No promises I’ll find a deal but it definitely helps me to know what you need and want!)

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