The fact that it falls out on Erev Shabbat aside, do you “do” New Year’s Eve?
I’m always curious what the take is on this in the ‘frum’ world.
So whether you celebrate New Year’s Eve or not, please chime in in the comments. And if you will be ringing in the New Year, please tell us how you plan to do it.
I used to. We used to stay over our friends’ house, or they’d stay at ours, before either of us couples had kids. Then when we were both pregnant, it was on Shabbos, and we all went to bed by 10 latest. After we had kids we got together but not for the night. Last few years I’ve either been awake and not cared, or been sleeping by midnight.
We don’t.
We have usually gotten together with some friends early and then seem to bring in the new year with the New York crowd (from the comfort of our own TV) at 11:00 pm and then gone to sleep (in Kansas City). This year, since its Shabbat we will have to forfit the TV part, but as many of out KC friends will be doing, we will be at a nice Bat Mitzvah oneg but probably not at midnight!
We don’t. The kids have school, so it doesn’t even seem like a holiday. Although, they do like telling their (secular) teachers “See you next year!” on Dec. 31.
observe New Years on Rosh Hashana!
dont really care about a ball falling…
Pre-kids we got together with friends for game nights/ski trips/family visits. Post-kids we try to nudge each other awake on the couch until midnight.
I don’t do anything now but when I was a teenager, it was a good excuse to have a sleepover party.
I enjoy the day off, and if family or friends are doing something we will join them. We have done some fabulous winter camping on NY eve and have had some spectacular bon fires and fireworks on the frozen river bank. We love being outside. One of my favorite NY eves was on the beach in Oahu listening to the waves crashing in and watching fireworks over the harbor.
If we are alone/at home we usually use it as a night to watch movies and eat ice-cream sundaes. This year with it being Shabbat we will have to movie our movie watching to Saturday night.
I normally wouldn’t but, since I am a New Year’s baby I am always aware of what special events are going on for New Years and use it as an excuse to celebrate my birthday.
Happy Birthday, Esther! Enjoy your day! <3
Some years I do, otthehers I don’t. It’s a nice excuse to hang out with friends, when they’re reasonably local, but when not- it often isn’t worth the fuss. This year, I didn’t do anything. Next year- who knows.
So funny – I also posted about this question. We got a bottle of champagne and toasted and made some yummy food. If it was a non-Shabbat night, we probably would have had a very small party with some (observant) friends. And by party, I mean we eat yummy food and spend time without our kids and laugh a lot – always a good time!!
It’d be fun but since it’s really a religious event (day of Baby J’s brit milah) it’s pretty inappropriate to celebrate. Sad thing is, there are so many Americans, and Jews among them, that have no idea that even X-mas is a religious event.