Donate Swagbucks for Disaster Relief in Japan

You guys know I love Swagbucks. But seeing this morning that they are teaming up with the non-profit relief organization All Hands to help victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan makes me love them even more.

Here’s how you can help, too: Donate some of your Swagbucks.

If you are feeling helpless, but penniless, this is an especially amazing way to contribute to the relief efforts.

All donations will be pooled together, and here is a chart of the Swagbuck conversion:

10,000,000 SB = $100,000.00
7,500,000 SB = $73,750.00
5,000,000 SB = $47,500.00
2,500,000 SB = $23,250.00
1,500,000 SB = $13,750.00
1,000,000 SB = $9,000.00
750,000 SB = $6,375.00
500,000 SB = $4,050.00
250,000 SB = $1,925.00
200,000 SB = $1,500.00
135,000 SB = $1,000.00
68,000 SB = $500.00

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