FREE One-Month Trial of Netflix – Perfect Way to Kick the Cable Bill

Netflix is once again offering a free one-month trial of its streaming service – which includes thousands of movies, documentaries and television shows.

If you want to cut your cable (and really, you should! It’s the easiest way to save $60+ a month!), Netflix is a great alternative for one-eighth the cost!

Netflix has tons of great kids programming, both half-hour shows and full-length feature movies (like Tangled and Toy Story 3), so they won’t even miss The Disney Channel.

And for grown-ups, Netflix has many of my favorite programs (like Mad Men), plus a ton of awesome documentaries (like Waiting for Superman).

Plus, no commercials {love} and instant streaming to just about any device you’ve got: TV, computer, BluRay player, Wii, XBox, iPad, Kindle, Nook …. and even your smart phone. Watch as much as you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want – all for the same price of FREE.

You can cancel your trial at any time within the first 30 days, but if you do decide to continue, Netflix costs $7.99/month for the streaming service.

Sign up for a free one-month Netflix trial here.

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  1. Mara –
    Do you know if it’s possible to get the latest TV episodes from Netflix? Or do you have to wait until the season is over to get them?

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