Quick! Right now you can get a FREE one-year subscription to Martha Stewart Living Magazine.
This offer is available through Rewards Gold, which does not require a credit card number – but you will need to complete a survey to qualify to receive the subscription.
I’m sure this offer will go quickly, so hurry if you’re interested.
Thanks, Living Rich with Coupons!
Thank you!!! I love this magazine. Did the survey.
Thanks! Just got my free subscription.
Shaindy did you receive confirmation via email? Because I haven’t received any type of confirmation, not from Rewards Gold nor from Living.
Done! Thanks!
I did this the last time this offer came around. I never got an email confirmation, but I do get the magazine every month!
yay! thanks 🙂
I can’t believe I still got one! I usually miss out on these things because I do my computer stuff late in the day. Thanks!
Thanks!! thats AWESOME!!! Happy Chanuka Mom!
Would love free subscription to Martha Stuart magazine! 🙂
I just got my first free issue! Totally forgot I signed up for this, so I had to search on your site just to make sure it was free. I love these kind of surprises!
I got mine today too – 3 issues! (Dec., Jan, and Feb.)