To celebrate Israel’s 63rd birthday, El Al is offering FREE membership in its frequent flyer Matmid program.
Usually there is a $25 fee to join this program, which never expires. In addition to earning free tickets and/or upgrades, Matmid membership also entitles you to preferred pre-flight seat selection. On a 12+ hour flight, the “right” seats can be golden!
I’m going to sign up my whole family.
Thanks, Kosher Frugal Menus.
Thanks for this great tip!
wow, a great deal! (i tried to sign up but then i realized that i need my passport number…which is upstairs in the room where the baby is sleeping. so i’m going to wait. in the meantime, i’ll share it on facebook 🙂 )
Still looks like they are charging $25…is there a special promotional link?
Sorry about that. Here is the right post:
is there a link to this offer?
Sorry about that! Here is the correct post