Wow, I am so excited about this! You can get a 30% off coupon on Danone Actimel Yogurts right now, when you like their page on Facebook and fill out a brief form. The coupon will be (snail) mailed to you.
An Israeli company. Offering manufacturer coupons. On Facebook. Color me very happily surprised!
(And my husband was just trying to convince me over the weekend that we should move back to Israel and I should “lead the campaign for couponing in Israel”. I really did LOL.)
If you live in Israel, please sign up for the coupon – seriously, even if Actimel isn’t your brand, how awesome is this? Let’s encourage manufacturers in Israel to do more of it!
Thanks, Frugal & Kosher.
Thanks for sharing Mara! I post printable coupons in Israel, or other Israeli coupons, like this one, whenever I can! I just got a coupon for a free 4-pack of Gamadim in the mail, I signed up for that one a couple of weeks ago!