It’s a Giveaway | $75 Gymboree Gift Card

Gymboree Dress Twirling

Oh. My. Word.

Friends. I’m giving away a $75 gift card to Gymboree.

(I’ll let that sink in for a second.)

It’s back to school season at Gymboree – as y’all know because I told you about their 30% off sale (and then their 40% off Girls’ sale).

So when Gymboree generously offered to give me a gift card to indulge myselfย my daughter with some gorgeous clothing from the Gymboree fall line, I squealed!

(Yes I really did.)

Twirly Girl

But it wasn’t a selfish squeal. I promise. I was squealing for one of you, too. Because one (very lucky) KOAB reader will win a $75 gift card to Gymboree to do their own indulging.

But before we get to the giveaway portion of this post, I want to show you the beauties I purchased. (The dresses, that is. My beautiful daughter couldn’t be sold for rubies or gold!)

Gymboree Green Dress giveaway

When I headed over to — because I pretty much only shop online — I was thinking “back to school”. But honestly, when I saw the dresses… I just knew. Hello Rosh Hashana dress.

Let’s start with my absolute-heart-goes-pitter-patter-favorite, the kelly green short-sleeve knit dress with that little belt details and the precious scallops.

Sadly, I can no longer find the dress online (moment of silence) – but according to my sources, it’s still in brick and mortar stores. And much though I loathe shopping in an actual store, this dress is worth the effort.

Running Away

(And speaking of which, I tried – mightily – to get a good, i.e. still, shot of my daughter in this dress. The photos in this post are the best of the bunch. Trying to photograph a still and smiling four year old is like trying to herd cats.)

Because I couldn’t help myself, I also got this sleeveless poplin cotton dress, covered in poppies. It’s a Jackie O dress for my four year! I especially love the sweet little detail of this off-centered navy bow.

Poppy Dress

I’m not much of an accessory person — could be because my daughter broke her only necklace in less than 5 minutes and wouldn’t keep a hair bow on her head if I paid her in cookies. But if your child isย an accessory person, Gymboree is your place.

Gymboree Accessories

No matter what you love at Gymboree – yomtov dresses, school clothes, boys’ duds (I love the Camp Yosemite line and wish my boys could still fit into Gymbo clothing) — I know you’ll especially love winning this $75 gift card.

Gymboree Boys

Here’s how to enter the giveaway:

:: Leave a comment on this post telling me who you’d like to shop for at Gymboree. This comment is required to be entered to win this giveaway.

For two additional entries, you may do one or both of the following:

:: Join the nearly 6,000 people whoย like Kosher on a Budget on Facebook. Then come back and leave a separate comment telling me that you have done so. If you already like KOAB, thank you — just leave a comment to that effect.

:: Subscribe to the Kosher on a Budget Newsletter for a once daily dose of the best deals, money-saving tips and more. Please leave a separate comment that you have subscribed (or were already a subscriber).

This giveaway is open only to residents of the United States who are 18 or older. Entries will be accepted until Wednesday, August 14th at 11:59 p.m. CST. The winner will be selected randomly and notified by email immediately. He or she will have 48 hours to respond.

Good luck!

Disclosure: I received a gift card from Gymboree to facilitate my review; Gymboree will also provide the winner of this contest with his or her prize. Additionally, I am affiliate of Gymboree and there are affiliate links used in this post. I was not compensated for hosting this giveaway nor for sharing my (obviously positive) opinions of their fall line. I am disclosing all this in accordance with FTC regulations. And also because I want you to know.


  1. I am a long-time fan on Facebook.

  2. i would shop for my two little boys and i’m already a member of kobn ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I love seeing your daily newsletter show up in my email!

  4. I love Gymboree because they have collections that can be mixed and matched with other items to make more outfits with fewer pieces! Also very cute stuff!
    Already like your FB page and subscribe to newsletter !

  5. I have 2 grandaugters who love gymboree!

  6. I would shop for my 4 and 2 year old daughters and my 2 month old son!
    I am a BIG fan on Facebook and I also receive your newsletter! I have saved so much $$ from all of your hard work, so thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Since I only have boys, it is boys I shop for at gymboree- I got some awesome steals at the outlet earlier in the summer!

  8. I like you on FB!!!!

  9. I get your newsletter!

  10. I’d shop for my new foster baby who’s 2 months old and growing like a weed!

  11. I “like” you on Facebook ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I am a newsletter subscriber

  13. I have 5 kids in need of fall clothes, would love to win!

  14. Already like you on Facebook!

  15. I would shop for my two boys (6,2) and my daughter (4). I always hit the Gymboree outlet and come out with great stuff.

  16. I “like”d you on Facebook.

  17. I’d like to get some cute matching outfits for my 2 daughters- 2.5 and 3 months!

  18. Subscribed to your email updates

  19. My little baby is growing like a weed and he desperately needs new cloths. Plus we just moved cross country so budget is super tight

  20. I would love to shop for my baby daughter- she will need some winter clothes ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, the green dress is adorable and so is your daughter

  21. I would like to buy for my twins that are coming soon to earth! ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. I liked you on facebook

  23. I’d love to shop for my nephews and little niece!

  24. I would love to pick up some fall outfits for my little boy. And your daughter looks gorgeous in that beautiful green dress!

  25. Would love to spen this on my wonderful grandchildren

  26. FERN CHAMOW says

    Just got great stuff for my grandson for the holidays. Would love to get him so everyday clothes.

  27. Lauren Rosen Gerofsky says

    I would love to shop for my nieces for back to school and/or holiday items. They are accessory girls ๐Ÿ˜‰ My boys do not fit into Gymboree any more (not in a long while.)

  28. Lauren Rosen Gerofsky says

    I already “like” KOAB on Facebook, have for a long time. Likewise for subscribing to the e-newsletter. Thanks always!

  29. nitzah nafisi says

    I would love to get my 2-yr old some pretty yom tov clothing! (Already a fan, who isn’t?!)

  30. Chaya Topas Lisitza says

    I’d love to win this gymboree gift card. I would give it to my sister so she could buy some new clothes for my nephew (the recipient of many hand-me-downs)!

  31. Joe Smiles says

    I would shop for my nieces and let ’em pick out stuff

  32. I would shop for my daughter and my son, ages 5 and 7.

  33. Joe Smiles says

    already “liked” on Facebook, just subscribed to the newsletter

  34. I like you on FB(Kelly D Saver)

  35. I subscribe to your email.

  36. Ariel Muller says

    I would love to buy clothes for my son.

  37. Ariel Muller says

    I am a follower on facebook.

  38. Ariel Muller says

    I also get your newsletter

  39. I love that green dress and if I could I would buy that green dress for my six-year-old redhead!

  40. I’m a fan on Facebook!

  41. I subscribe ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. I follow you on FB

  43. Clothes for the chagim ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. Yasa Leah says

    I would love to shop for my 2 year old grandson!

  45. Yasa Leah says

    I liked KOB on facebook

  46. I would love to match my 9month old daughter with my 8year old daughter and I know at Gymboree you can do that. What beautiful pictures!

  47. I would love to match my 9month old daughter with my 8year old daughter and I know at Gymboree you can do that.

  48. I would love to match my baby girl with my 8 year old daughter and I know at Gymboree you can do that.

  49. I follow your fb page , and I use so many deals from your website. I would shop for my niece, it is her birthday next week.

  50. I sign in for the daily newsletter and I am your fan on fb for a long time, I love your fb page very much