I’ve talked before about our love for Pandora, but now there’s a new kid on the free music block (no, not that kind of New Kid): Spotify.
I’m usually late to the new-and-cool party, so this may be old news to many of you. But when I saw a number of my friends listening to music via Spotify on Facebook, I decided to ask my husband about it (he’s much newer and cooler than I am ;-))
Here’s what he has to say about it:
Spotify is much different than Pandora and serves a different purpose. With Spotify’s vast collection – including millions of tracks – you can find whatever song you are yearning for and play it for free with no strings attached. It’s the music you want, on-demand!
You can also create your own playlists to always come back to the music you love.
Unlike Pandora, Spotify won’t choose the music for you, but via Spotify’s Facebook app, you can see what your friends are listening too and discover new music that way too.
The way I first sampled Spotify was with all those great Amazon MP3 credits. When I wasn’t certain what songs I wanted to purchase to add to my ipod, I listened on Spotify. Since then, I have used it more and more and I really like it!
Thanks, Frankie!
When I signed up for Spotify, I was prompted to link to my Facebook account. I’m not sure if there’s a way around this – if you don’t have Facebook, let me know if you can sign up without it.
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