$10 at Whole Foods & Whole Grain Hamburger Buns for $.99: TODAY ONLY

I stopped by Whole Foods today to pick up some more of their Stonyfield yogurts, which are still on sale 2/$1. While there, I came across a today-only special that I just had to run home and tell you all about: $.99 for 8 whole grain hamburger or hot dog buns (pictured in the top left corner)! The brand is Ozery One Bun and the hechsher is KSA. These are normally $2.97, so the $.99 sale is a great savings. Plus, they are whole grain and have zero HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). I have the hardest time finding kosher pareve buns to begin with, and then the ones that are inevitably have corn syrup in them. I’m  not afraid of sweets, but I really try to avoid the HFCS if I can. Anyway, I got three packages and will put them straight into my freezer for post-9 Days BBQs.

In addition to the buns, I also got:

3 organic, locally grown zucchinis @ $.99/lb (this is a target price for me)

12 Stonyfield yogurts – normally $1 each, I paid $.28

3-pack of Kidz Dream pareve (soy) smoothies – normally $2.99, I paid $1 (picked them out of a clearance cart.) They are shelf stable, so I thought they might be a nice treat for our upcoming trip to the grandparents.

2 Clif bars – on sale for $1 each – FREE Clif product coupon from writing them a letter = FREE

All together, I paid just over $10, including tax. That’s ~60% off the non-sale, non-coupon price. See, even Whole Foods doesn’t have to be Whole Paycheck when you’re a frugal shopper!


  1. I’m on my way to whole foods!
    I may even drop eitan off at your house so you can teach him how to eat!!
    thanks for your hard work!

    • @Amy – did you find them? I read your comment to the boys and they were so bummed when E didn’t show up!

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