Horchow (the Neiman Marcus home store) has 30” x 56” Ralph Lauren Greenwich Bath Towels on sale right now for just $9.99, regularly $20.
Even better, you can use the promo code FIRST to save an additional 20%, dropping your total down to $7.99! (Coupon code is valid for first-time customers only, so you’ll need a new account.)
Shipping is FREE, too – no coupon code required.
If you want to have your gorg new towels monogrammed, use the same coupon code and pay $9.59.
Note: Prices vary depending on what size you choose, but the regular bath towels are definitely the best deal.
Thanks, Daily Cheapskate.
This post contains affiliate links, which help to support Kosher on a Budget. For more information, see my disclosure policy.
I’m ordering 3 towels to NY and getting charged $8 shipping. Any idea why that might be?
Under Ship to Multiple Addresses there is a pull-down menu – be sure that “Promotional” is selected for your shipping method. It should be free – I just ran a test order to my address and it worked perfectly!
I didn’t have that option. I called customer service and they suggested I place the order and give them my order number so they can remove the shipping fee. Alternatively, they offered to place the order for me and waive the shipping.