If you do a fair amount of shopping online (guilty as charged), this new FedEx Delivery Manager seems like a no-brainer.
To get started, just click the banner above then click on Create a New FedEx ID. (If you’re reading this in your email, you’ll need to click thru to the post to see the banner.)
Then fill in your name, address and other details. Next you get to choose your notifications, including:
- Request a new delivery location or time
- Hold your package at a FedEx location (ideal if you’ll be out of town during a delivery)
- Sign for your package in advance
- Provide specific delivery instructions (like leave in your garage or back porch)
- Request a vacation hold
Finally you can choose whether to get your updates by email, text or phone.
I heard this program being discussed on the news the other night, as part of a whole “how to get the most out of your online shopping” segments. Some of these services are paid, but many are FREE. And of course it’s free to sign up for FedEx Delivery Manager.
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