Have you heard of Manilla? Several months ago, a reader named Rochie told me about it on the KOAB Facebook Wall. Here’s what Rochie had to say:
Have you checked out Manilla.com? It’s totally free and it stores all bills and send your reminders when things are passed due. I love it!
I posted about it at the time and have since started using it myself, so I wanted to update you all and let you know that … I LOVE IT!
Beyond organizing your bills, Manilla will help you better manage all your household accounts, including utilities, subscriptions, travel rewards programs, deal a day sites (yes!) and lots more in one secure online account.
Under a single password, Manilla gives you an automated, organized view of all of your linked account information, lets you set up text and/or email reminders to pay bills, and gives you unlimited storage of account documents. It’s like a filing cabinet with Google alerts!
Are you a Manilla user? What do you think?
Wow, sounds like something I need. Why is it free?
Probably advertising – like Mint.