Kosher Once a Month Cooking (Poultry): Part 3, Step-by-Step Instructions

Read Part 1 (intro) here and Part 2 (recipes) here,  if you haven't already. Today, guest poster Shaindy Gerstein is back to tell us how to make sure our cooking day is smooth and easy, with her step-by-step guide to what to do when. Thanks, Shaindy, … [Read more...]

Kosher Once A Month Cooking: Poultry (Part 2 ~ Shopping, Recipes & Freezer Lists)

Read Part 1 of Poultry Kosher Once a Month Cooking here, if you haven't already. Today, guest poster Shaindy Gerstein is back to tell you how to cook for a day and eat for a month! As a reminder, here is the menu we are cooking for our Kosher … [Read more...]

Kosher Once A Month Cooking: Poultry (Part 1 ~ Tips, Menu & Printable Labels)

I am excited to welcome KOAB reader and organizing junkie Shaindy Gerstein for this two-part series about Kosher Once a Month Cooking (OAMC). As the name implies, OAMC means that you cook once and eat for a month, thanks to cook-ahead food that … [Read more...]

Kosher Once A Month Cooking, Part 2

PHOTO SOURCE   Easy Jewish Home blogger, Chavi Singer, is back again today to explain how to put her basic meat sauce recipe to use in making three different kosher recipes that will feed your family at eight different meals. Did you … [Read more...]