has reset some of their coupons for the new month, including the $1/1 Sally Hansen nail polish coupon. Here's how to put it to use at Target to score (almost) free nail polish. Sally Hansen Xtreme Fingernail Polish – $2.04 - $2.54 … [Read more...]
Target: Sally Hansen Nail Polish for $.09 Each!
Posted on May 10, 2011 by
Wow, a new Target coupon + a new printable manufacturer coupon mean practically free nail polish right now at Target. Here's how to get the deal: Sally Hansen Nail Polish - $2.09 (price may vary) Use $1/1 Sally Hansen Printable Coupon Stack with … [Read more...]
Beauty Supplies for a Song at CVS & Target
Posted on January 20, 2011 by
I've got two great beauty deals this week that will cost you only a couple of quarters. (Hey, it can't all be about cereal and granola bars!) CVS has Sally Hansen nail polish marked down 75% off on many colors. Here's how to get it for less than a … [Read more...]