Remember when I mentioned that we'd been thinking about hiring someone to mow our lawn? Well, we did it. And I must admit that for a frugal-to-a-fault gal, it feels pretty weird to be paying a guy to do something we are perfectly capable of doing … [Read more...]
The Jewish Life Piece of Time Management
A few weeks ago, I received the following email from a regular KOAB reader: I feel pretty good about my time management skills but the frustration I have is that as observant Jews- we have so much more to do! I love my Jewish life but I have to be … [Read more...]
The Value of Time & Sefirat Ha’Omer
As you know, over the past several weeks, I’ve been focusing on time management, with a goal of using my time more intentionally. I’d say efficiently – but really, what I think it’s all about is not just doing more in less time, but doing the … [Read more...]
How to Share Your Google Calendar with Your Family
This post is totally going to show me for the non-technophile that I am. Feel free to point and laugh that I didn't know how to share my Google calendar until last week. But just case there's someone out there who also doesn't know how to do this, … [Read more...]
Learning to Put Myself First (& How That Relates to Time Management)
(If you're new around here, I have been writing a series of posts about my efforts to enhance time management in my family. You can see the rest of them HERE.) As I said on Sunday, based on our time audit, I am working on putting together a new … [Read more...]
Is it true what they say? Is time really money?
My Time Audit week is over, and I have learned a lot of interesting things. I'll try to share some of my insights with you over the next few days -- and I would love to hear from those of you who also did a time audit. What did you learn about your … [Read more...]
3 Time-Saving Email Tips
Today is the first day of my Time Audit. (Remember? I'm writing down my daily activities every 30 minutes in an effort to audit how I spend my time -- so I can spend it more wisely in the future.) I immediately noticed that "checking emails" takes … [Read more...]
Where Does the Time Go? Performing a Time Audit
On Sunday, I shared with you my feelings about time: That it's slipping through my fingers -- and that no matter what we do, my husband and I are always running behind. There was a lot of wonderful response to that post -- and most of it made me … [Read more...]
It’s Time for Change (How Managing Your Time is Like Managing Your Money)
Lately, I've been feeling like I am drowning under a sea of responsibilities and To Dos: blogging, homeschooling, parenting, relationships, chores, volunteer commitments - the list is endless. I'm constantly running two steps behind and wondering … [Read more...]