We made it!

Helllooooooo! We made it! WE ARE IN ISRAEL!

Sorry to go radio silent on you for a few days there! When my husband and I decided to move to Israel, I told him the *one thing I had to have as soon as we got here* was my phone. And if not my phone, then at least Internet!

You can also guess where this is going, right?!

We landed very, very late on Thursday night — after an adventure (of course!).

At some point, as I was unpacking our umpteen duffels, I asked my husband what time it was. When he said 2:30 in the morning, I didn’t believe him. Apparently I’d lost track of time!

Friday was a blur of errands and cleaning and unpacking, and then we went into a lovely Shabbat, where we were hosted by strangers-now-friends in our new community.

Our kids met new friends in their grades and their anxiety level went down a few notches as they started to realize — “Oh, yeah. These kids aren’t so different from my friends in Cleveland. Maybe this is gonna be okay!”

Sunday was car day (as in get one!) and phone day (as in get more than one!). We succeeded on the car front — hooray — after a 6-hour trip that was expected to take an hour, tops. We are now independently mobile and it feels so good.

(Tho I’ll be honest: I’m gonna miss our minivan for a while. With three big kids, the backseat gets real small, real fast.)

Alas, the phones had to wait ’til Monday. But what a banner day Monday was. Not only did we get our phones set up (okay, two out of four — we are still trying to figure out what to do with our two phones that won’t work here no matter what we do!), but we also got our Internet. I told you: BANNER DAY!

We have also been crossing off a long list of bureaucratic errands (aka sidurim), with many more still to go. Items seem to miraculously multiply — for every one I cross off, three more appear.

The kids start school on Friday, so we keep moving ahead at full speed. Hopefully tomorrow or Thursday, we can all go to the beach and just enjoy each other for a few hours!

Meanwhile, I’m back to blogging (though no promises for a normal schedule quite yet). Yesterday I managed to sneak in a few quick posts — did you see them??!!

I miss you guys and can not wait until life normalizes enough to blog deals in the morning and hang out with my kids in the afternoon.

Until then, I’ll just keep taking deep breaths!


  1. B*H

  2. Mazal Tov! Kol hakavod to you and your family. B’hatzlacha in all that you are doing!

  3. Wow! Mazal tov!!! Wishing you and your family a “klita kala”. If you’re in RBS, I’d love to host you for a meal. Looking forward to seeing more Israeli bargains on KoaB!

  4. does this mean you’ll be posting deals in Israel now? can’t wait!

  5. Love pix of your arrival. Car looks serviceable. Nothing with a move goes quickly. You are accomplishing the really important things👏🏼

  6. Gitta Newman says

    MAZAL TOV! Hatzlacha rabah!!!!!

  7. That first picture!!! Made me cry (happy tears!). Could not be happier for you all. You all are shining and SO where you belong. Welcome home, friend!!! xoxo

  8. Charnie Feldman says

    Welcome home! What community is your new place in? Hope I’m not too far behind you, we just returned yesterday from a wonderful visit with our daughter and her family, and miss them like crazy. My dream place is RBS Aleph.

    I told my daughter about your blog. Maybe now that you’re back in Israel, you can have (if they exist) deals for those who are lucky to be on your side of the pond, plus whenever Amazon is doing free shipping to Israel. Caught such a deal just in time for one of the grandson’s birthdays last year and it was a big saver! So far the only thing I know of that’s cheaper in Israel is cellphone service.

    Much hatzlacha!!!

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