What’s Your Favorite Swagbucks Reward?

sign up for swagbucks

TGIFriday! Or, for those of us who love Swagbucks, TGIMega Swagbucks Day.

That’s right: On Friday the reward value of your normal searches gets kicked into overdrive, which means you can earn double and even triple digits!

As a fun little Mega Swagbucks Day poll, I thought I’d ask: What’s your favorite Swagbucks Reward?

I know most of us love that $5 Amazon gift card for just 450 SBs, but have you ever taken advantage of some of the other prizes? One reader recently told me that she saved up her Swagbucks and took a free flight on Southwest with her rewards. Way to go, Julia in Las Vegas! You sure did hit the jackpot with that one – yes, I spent days turning that pun over in my head ;-).

If you aren’t on Swagbucks already, because I really and truly want all of you to get stuff for free, I implore you: Sign up for Swagbucks. (Yes, Dad, there is such a thing as a free lunch with Swagbucks!)

Through the end of the day today, you get started off with 90 points for joining Swagbucks. 30 is the regular sign-up bonus, but when you use the exclusive KOAB promo code KOSHERBUDGET, you will get an extra 60 bucks. That’s 1/5 of the way to that $5 Amazon gift card. But ya gotta do it now, but that code becomes invalid when my California readers are lighting their candles.

For the rest of us Swagbucklers (as my friend Kelly calls us), leave me a comment with your favorite Swagbucks reward – and tell me all the fun things you’ve bought with it.

This post contains a referral link, which helps to support Kosher on a Budget. For more information, see my disclosure policy.


  1. Why get anything other than the Amazon gift cards? Over the last six months, I’ve use ones earned on swagbucks to purchase books, toilet paper, wedding supplies, skype microphone, pillow forms, an inkjet cartridge, and organic olive oil. Oh, and half of a CHI straightening iron. 🙂

  2. I wish the paypal cards were the same cost as amazon, then I’d get that instead.

  3. I’m so glad you introduced me to Swagbucks. I love it and I can even use it in Israel, which is great since so many of the money-saving deals are only for US residents.

    My favorite reward is the $5 Amazon gift card, since I use it to order stuff and send it to my parents. I did once buy a gift card to Starbucks though as a birthday gift for my sister in law. She loved it!

  4. Hi Mara, just signed up for swagbucks (and used your code!) . How do you find you earn the most with this system? Looking through the website it looks like it would be hard to earn hundreds of points….

    • The best way to earn is to download the toolbar and make sure you use them for every search. You’d be surprised – it definitely adds up quickly. I don’t watch the videos or do any of that stuff, although I know some do those things. You can also get referrals, and it’s a great system. Basically you tell your friends about SB, using your unique referrer code, they join, and for every point they earn through searches, you earn a point, up to the first 1000 points. So, you earn right along with them, basically. HTH.

  5. I live in Israel and have never earned swagbucks while searching here. The only time I’ve earned while searching on my account was on a short visit to the USA. Do you know if this was just a fluke or if there’s no chance of winning from Israel? Thanks.

    • Hannah – I thought I remembered earning SBs when we were still living in Israel. You might want to try contacting their customer service and asking – I will reach out to my contact, as well, and ask.

      • Hi Mara,

        Thanks for your reply. I once got a vague answer to a question (not about searching): “Thanks for contacting Swag Bucks customer support. Unfortunately, due to your country’s contesting regulations, we cannot offer you this service at the moment. We are working hard to add this service to your area in the near future.” I wonder if this holds true for searching, too. Please let me know what your contact says. Thanks!

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