I know, I know. It’s not technically “our” new year. But I, for one, like that I get to celebrate so many new years: There’s one in September, one in January, another in April. (And then there’s that whole new years for the trees — although that one doesn’t speak to me exactly in the same way. )
You see, I find that new years give me an opportunity to REFLECT and, when necessary, REDIRECT.
I suppose I could do this on any day of the year, but there is something about a new year that feels all fresh and new beginning-y. It just begs that I take stock and turn over a new leaf.
Are you also using today as an opportunity to reflect on where you’ve been — and where you want to be?
If your are — and if your goals have anything to do with finances — then I have a very special opportunity that I want to share with you.
I want to invite you to join my FREE 5-DAY JUMPSTART YOUR BUDGET CHALLENGE!
At the end of just five days, you will know what you need to do — and how you need to do it — to get where you want to BE with your personal finances.
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