I love your comments — and get so excited when you all contribute to the community-vibe around here!
That’s why until now, I’ve have the most “liberal” comment moderation practices in place. Basically, as long as you’ve commented once before, your comment will be automatically published.
Unfortunately, I’ve had to change that — temporarily — due to a world-wide “spam surge”. In the past two weeks, there has been about 150 times the normal amount of spam comments — not just on KOAB, but on all WordPress blogs.
I wake up in the morning to dozens of new spam comments that I need to go thru and delete. Although I have a great spam prevention plug-in, which has served me well for almost three years, this surge is just overwhelming it.
In order to make my life a smidge easier, I have turned on active comment moderation on the blog until this “surge” is over.
What that means is that even if you’ve left 100 comments before on KOAB, your comment will be sent to a queue for moderation. I then need to click a button to approve it before your comment will go live on the blog.
I know this may be a bit confusing – but as soon as you click enter, your comment does go in to moderation, and I get sent an email notifying me that it’s there — so there is no need to resubmit your comment.
My apologies for the inconvenience. This just seems to be the best solution for the present. Please continue to comment and I promise to get to moderation as quickly as I’m able.
thanks for explaining! and thanks for running an awesome blog!!!
Thank you!
I love chesecake & blintzes. Would love to win this cookbook! It’s just what I need.