Once a month for the past four or five months, we have seen huge type-faced headlines about the "highest inflation rates in twenty years!" These headlines are legitimately frightening — and all the more so if your family was already struggling to … [Read more...]
Join Me for a FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Your Budget Challenge
If you’re ready for some calm and control in your finances, now is the perfect time to jumpstart your budget! I'd love to have you join my brand new, totally FREE, 5-Day Jumpstart Your Budget challenge. After only five days, you will be prepared … [Read more...]
Join Me for a FREE 5-Day Challenge: Jumpstart Your Budget
Elul is a great time for reflection -- for cheshbon nefesh. I want to issue you a friendly challenge: What about reflecting on your finances? Are you ready to get your budget under control? There's no better time to resolve to change than the … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Break the Impulse Shopping Habit
Have you joined the FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Your Budget Challenge yet? On Day 1, I talk about being "all in", and I ask you to let me know what your biggest challenge is to really being ALL IN with your budget. I've received over 200 emails so far … [Read more...]
We All Make Mistakes with Money. Please Stop Judging Yourself.
Here's one thing about money I know to be true: Rich, poor or somewhere in between, we all make mistakes. And usually, at least in my experience, these aren't mistakes you can easily fix with a calculator. No, these aren't mere math mistakes -- … [Read more...]