It's Sunday night and I'm back with a quick menu plan post. Did you miss my menu plan last week? That's because for the second time in three weeks, I didn't post one (oops!). Last week, I had the good fortune of spending five days out in Phoenix, … [Read more...]
Weekly Menu Plan (Week of 3/6/16)

It's Sunday and I'm back with a quick menu plan post. Did you miss my menu plan last week? That's because I didn't post one (oops!). I spent a few days in Kansas City, helping out a family member. I did a lot of Whole30-friendly freezer cooking … [Read more...]
Menu Planning with Leah | 4 Weeks Worth of Menu Plans

Please help me welcome back menu planning whiz, Leah Eisenberg Polikoff. Last month, she shared the "why" and "how" behind menu planning. This month, she's digging into the mechanics of menu planning -- and sharing an entire month's worth of menu … [Read more...]
Weekly Menu Plan (Week of 2/21/16)

It's Sunday, so time for another quick menu planning post! I am not always "good" about menu planning, but when I am, I find that it has two great benefits: 1. We save money 2. We avoid the 5 pm melt-downs! If you're not menu planning yet, you may … [Read more...]
Weekly Menu Plan (Week of 2/14/16)
Just a quick post to share my weekly menu plan, as promised last week. I'd love to know what you're having as well, so please comment down below to share your plan. We can all take inspiration and ideas from one another! Sunday -- Crockpot chili … [Read more...]
Weekly Menu Plan (Week of 2/7/16)
I was asked to share our weekly menus on the blog (and not just on Facebook), so I'm writing up this quick post! Please comment below to let me know if you like it being shared on the blog. I also really hope you will share your menu plans in the … [Read more...]
Why & How to Menu Plan

Please help me welcome Leah Eisenberg Polikoff as a contributing guest post writer to Kosher on a Budget. Leah is a menu planning whiz, and I feel very lucky that she has agreed to share her know-how with all of us. Look for her posts once or twice a … [Read more...]
Easy Shabbat Lunch Menu

When we moved to Cleveland last fall, we were blessed to find ourselves in a very special community -- one that graciously reached out to us as a new family and invited us into their homes for many, many Shabbatot in a row. These meals … [Read more...]
The February Repeating Menu Plan
In November, I posted about our new approach to menu planning. It was a little too "boring" for some of you, but others thought it was a great idea! It worked out amazingly well for us in November and December and then last month, with everything … [Read more...]
November Menu Plan (I’m trying something new…)

I'm trying something new this month with our November Menu Plan. Some might call it boring. Predictable. Or even uninspired. That's okay. I'm hoping I'll be calling it "the easiest month ever" by the end of it. (You know those times in your life … [Read more...]